Wednesday 7 June 2023

Another Distraction!

I've had another distraction recently - an online 5 day challenge bookbinding course!  It was run by Ali Manning of Vintage Page Designs.

These three lovelies were the result - I'm thrilled with them!

Each book consists of 4 signatures - mine made from 200gsm watercolour paper.  Here they are folded, pressed and hole punched.
And all my covers were made of Kraft Tex - a paper 'fabric'.

This one was punched with my Crop-o-dile, but the other two were pierced with an awl instead, as the Kraft Tex was easy enough to get through.

The first book taught was with a chain stitch.
I used an elastic fastener.
Here it is from above.  Not perfect, but I'm pleased for my first effort.
On my third book I went for a different fastening - a simple strap version - but I think that I like the elastic better, as it keeps it more firmly closed.
So, chain stitch, wrapped running or long stitch, and running stitch.  Great additions to my number of little books!  

Many thanks to Ali for her clear instructions.  I'd really recommend her courses!

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