Wednesday 12 June 2024

Pickle Dish Workshop

Through the Miniatures Group, part of the UK Quilters Guild, I took a two part workshop with Judi O'May.  She was a great tutor - lots of patience with showing and re-showing different techniques to achieve the Pickle Dish blocks.

These were my starting point

And now, the crescents made and trimmed, with the squares and centre 'eye' shapes, all ready to join.
I had to remember to reverse the order of the fabrics to get them to be opposite each other, as that is what I wanted to do.

Playing with scraps is always such fun!

And here are the shapes, all joined up.
I made four, in order to make a small wall hanging.
Judi even gave us quilting ideas, as well as layout ideas and instructions on how to join them.
I went with echo quilting the shapes, with a denser infill - you can see it clearly on the reverse.
And here is the front in it's full glory.  Already hung on my study wall.  I'm very happy that I've made it, but I'm not sure that I'd want to tackle a full size quilt with this technique, lovely though it looks!

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