Wednesday 5 June 2024

Bird Hanging - The100DayProject - Complete!

I forgot to take a separate photo of the last 10 birds that I made - doh!

But, it's because I was so excited to be putting them all together!

Here they are (laid out on the design bed!), after I'd sewn the rows.

And here I am, proving that I do own an iron and ironing board (not usually much in evidence in my work!).
And, ta-da, the completed wall hanging!

All 100 days of birds put together.

The hanging is roughly 2'6" square.

It has a floral backing.  I forgot that I bought some seagull fabric that I thought would be fun for it!
And, finally, here it is in my living room, right by my favourite place to sit.

It was a fun project to sew, and has make me think more about different ways to create images with fabric and thread again.

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