Wednesday 3 April 2024

A Bag, and Part Four

 Part Four of my 100 day project - the next nine bird blocks.  Numbers 28 to 36.

Also I decided on the spur of the moment to make this Japanese Knot bag.

I saw the pattern here, on The Happiest Camper Blog.

Using her image as a jumping off point, I made my own pattern piece, roughly 20 inches high and 15 inches across.

I cut two pieces of print and two pieces of plain fabric and sewed them together as instructed.
Popped them right sides together inside each other, and sewed the centre circle together. Turned through, pressed, top stitched the outer handle circles (slightly fiddly!) and the centre circle.
And here is the finished bag - closed by looping the longer handle through the shorter one to create a 'knot'.  A fun and fairly simple make, with a fun bag at the end of it!

1 comment:

  1. I've made these a couple of different ways but they all have a fiddly bit - great bag though!


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