Wednesday 13 October 2021

Going to a Good Home

Remember last week I mentioned tidying out out a wardrobe?  Well, I have to confess that it wasn't clothes I was tidying, but a big pile of quilts.

I'd hope to take them to Project Linus last year, but, you know, Covid.  The pile for donation kept growing.......

So, a couple of weeks ago, Georgie grabbed the quilts that she'd made (with a little help) from the scraps from FabWraps, I grabbed my 'spares', and we finally got them over to our local Project Linus coordinator.

You know what Project Linus is, right? An organisation that gives quilts and blankets to those who need them, named after the character in the Charlie Brown cartoons who dragged a comfort blanket with him everywhere he went.

Jacquie does the most amazing job, taking in quilts and blankets and passing them on to those who need the love and the cuddles.  Care leavers, refugees, those in foster homes....wherever she finds a need she does her best to fill it.  We are so grateful to her for doing this valuable role.  It means that we can carry on making quilts, stitching in love as we go, knowing that she will find them a suitable home.

I'm so proud of Georgie too, for carrying on this style of giving with her scraps.  


  1. Just stumbled upon your blog. Such artsy quilts and lovely quilts you have.

  2. Fabulous! I've got a couple for Linus, but nowhere near as many as you and Georgie!


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