Wednesday 27 April 2016

Three Cheers!

 Three cheers for Jack Petchy, for his foundation and their awards and for my DD1 who was lucky enough to be nominated for one by her wonderful Guide Leaders! She was awarded hers for her determination in overcoming some of her fears, squaring her shoulders and doing her best (I paraphrase slightly).  I am immoderately proud of her, and loved the award ceremony that we went to last night.    I think that this positive recognition is a wonderful thing for her and all the other young women who received awards last night.  We even had a short talk by adventurer Sally Kettle - what a treat!  Well done, all of you! 

 My sewing for the week pales into nothing compared to that, of course!

Its been a bit of a mish mash, to be honest!

This small 'dark' block (which I love!)
 'Light' corners for the central medallion, plus sewing it together.
 Playing with a new cross stitch design programme (which is really a re-branding  / updating of one that I used to use, I discovered).

It may turn out to be a more expensive purchase than I thought though, as I suspect that I'm going to have to buy some varifocal glasses so that I can stitch and still watch TV!
Two of the light corners in more detail (although before being ironed!).

Hoping to work on 365  now that their website is back up again - I've got quite a lot of catching up to do again!

1 comment:

  1. Huge congrats to G, well done and much deserved! I can recommend varifocals - brilliant invention!


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