Thursday, 9 February 2012

A rose by any other name......

Isn't this a pretty block?  I followed the link to SummerFete for a tutorial to make this rose star block ( I found it through  SewKalico's blog (and look, aren't her roses lovely?)

It reminded me of the Islamic tile patterns that I've been looking at over the last couple of weeks, so I decided to make just one and applique it to a background - not going the whole hog and signing up to a quilt full of them, lovely though I'm sure it would look!

Meanwhile, my bloggy friend Benta found that a photo of one of my other blocks for my C&G course had been published in Popular Patchwork, quite unbeknownst to me!  I haven't secured a copy of the magazine yet (my helpful local newsagent has ordered it for me though, so I'll only have to wait until tomorrow), but you can see the evidence on Benta's blog here.

I'm also just about keeping up with the basics on TAST (Take A Stitch Tuesday) - but I forgot to take a photo!  Next time I'll try and remember (and I'll have added the Chevron stitch for week 6 by then too, I hope - another stitch that is new to me.

Nearly half-term, which means nearly half way through the school year.  I have no idea how time flies past so quickly!  Happy holidays, one and all!


  1. Mmmmm,nice block Plum, sure you can't be tempted to do more? Hope you have a good half term.

  2. The block is very pretty, and very complex! I assumed you knew you had been published - very happy to be able to bring you the news :-). See you soon x x

  3. Just happened upon your blog while surfing the net a bit. This is indeed a lovely block that reminds me also of the Islamic tiles and decorative painting designs. Enjoyed seeing your postcards and other quilting projects.
    best from Tunisia,

  4. Very nice block and congratulations on having your pinapple block published - well done!!


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