Wednesday 28 August 2024

More little projects

The start of the school year and the Uni year are rolling round so quickly!  I've seen a few ideas for elasticated pen holders on line, and I thought that this version, with a zip to keep pens and pencils secure, would work well.
This one with black elastic was made for an A5 notenook, DD2's favourite size.  Made with fabric that was included in her Uni quilt.

 And this one for DD1 is an A4 size in fabric that she chose.

The pattern that I used was this one from PolkaDot Chair.

Elastic Pencil Case Bookmark

I think that I'll probably be making a couple more of these!

Wednesday 21 August 2024


I always love a quilt with legs!  It reminds me of Terry Pratchett's Luggage in the Discworld series....

Anyway, here it is, complete with the borders, fully quilted and bound.

I'm really pleased with it!

The all important label.
Scrappy binding to match the scrappy border and main blocks.
I did a meander pattern for the quilting, adding in hearts at random along the way.
So hearts in the pattern as well as hearts in the quilting.
The only thing that wasn't scrappy was the backing.  A lovely floral - good counterpoint to the busy front!

Wednesday 7 August 2024

I Added a Border

I decided that I did want the scrappy hearts to be a bit bigger (it was 54" square), so raided my 2.5" strips and scraps to make a double border for all four sides.

It didn't take much to fiddle the scraps so that there wasn't too much overlap of the most populous fabrics.

So here is the quilt, stretched out and being spray basted on the living room floor.

Next, quilting and binding!