I was reminded by Kate North 10 days ago about the Patchwork Meadow project. They are encouraging people to make a textile 'tile' of 15cm square showing a wild flower. THe project is to encourage people to think about wild flowers across Europe. I heard about it some time ago, but it never actually reached a written list, so I'd forgotten about it! Kate's prompt was perfect to remind me to start something, at least!
I used my stitch and burn technique over a sketch that I'd make (you can still see my blue wash-away lines on this photo, but I've sprayed them away now). I'm planning to add hand stitching to the block to complete it, but I'm pleased with this as a start point.
I've cut my foam board ready for lacing this over when it's finished - I just need to plan the hand stitched part of it now and get on with it.
Last night I didn't hand stitch anything - but spent the evening papercrafting with friends. They were very productive, and as we had a heart theme we are all well on the way to being prepared for Valentines day! No photos, as I didn't remember to get my camera out.
Fingers crossed for this mild weather continuing - our feathered friends are now out in the their coop / mini run (although not the open run yet, we want them to know that the coop is home!).