I thought that a quick round up of my pre-Christmas crafting might be in order, so here goes:
These 'message bots' were made for some crafting friends - I even managed to make two in 'Christmas colours' so that they have an excuse to pack them away until next year if they want to.

This is a cushion cover that I made as a 'commission' (my friend will make a charity donation in 'payment') for a very small girl - and I'm quite pleased with using the pastels again instead of the brights on white. The details don't really show, but the overall meander quilting is in a very pale pink thread (Valdini, I think) that looks lovely on it.
And finally, this was a bead encrusted tiara that I made for myself - although I have to say that I have no idea when I'd wear such an item, or why I'd want to wear something that really just high-lights how grey my hair is now! I daresay that it will be claimed by one of my DD's in the near future whereupon I will be honour bound to make a second for the other DD!
So, not a crafty item shown that wasn't completed before Christmas, and the prospects of anything else appearing in the very near future seem slight, as I've been too tired to pick up a needle except when helping small people with some of their crafting projects. Perhaps my next 'show and tell' will be of their items, once they've been retrieved from around the house!
Happy Christmas crafting, Happy New Year crafting - I wish you health, happiness and sufficient prosperity and time to maximise your creative potential in 2012!