I think that the idea of a quilt along is that you do things at the same time, more or less, as everyone else in the group. So having joined the Super Nova quilt along, and knowing that the next set of instructions would be given each Thursday, you' d have to wonder why I didn't finish the first weeks task (cutting) until the Sunday AFTER the second set of instructions were given out. Then you'd have to wonder why I didn't catch up and manage to finish the sewing today, so that I was ready for the instructions tomorrow.....which will be my last child-free (thus offering most sewing possibilities) day for another two and a half weeks. Even with deciding to sew without ironing (not something that I'd usually do with half-square triangles) to speed things up I only managed to produce three out of the nine sets of blocks. Oh well, I'll just have to see how I get on tomorrow!
I am just wondering where the time went!

Admittedly I have finished another couple of projects this week. I've made some map based post cards and ATC's (ahem, oh yes, not all of them edged yet, I remember).

And I finished this little baby quilt. With interesting quilting.... I decided to follow an idea that I'd read some years ago about following outlines on the backing fabric to quilt. I liked the idea, but it turns out that the rows of scooped icecream (like the centre star, I used the same fabric for the backing) weren't quite as clear to follow as one might have thought....so near the bottom it all gets a bit skew-whiff. I think that I might have to frog stitch (rip-it, rip-it) and re-do it! Apart from that I liked the idea, and was able to space the quilting so that it wasn't too close together to make the quilt too stiff.
Other fun things this week were jewellery making with some girl friends. I introduced them to the delights of tiger tail (a nylon coating metal wire) and crimp beads - a combination of materials that I really, really like, and probably the favourite thing of mine that I learnt about on my jewellery course last year. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of the earrings and bracelets that I made before giving them away. Never mind, I'm sure that there will be more made in the future.
Hope that you've got some lovely spring projects on the go too.
I love the idea of a frog stitch :-)