Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Tiny Teether Project

Just as I'm about to meet my great nephew for the first time, Love Patchwork and Quilting published a 'whale' set - including this whale tale teether pattern.

Isn't it cute?

I think that it will be lovely for little hands to grip, and for mum and dad to be able to easily wash it when it gets grubby.

I used the same sort of colours that I used on his quilt, so that they will match.

A very fast project, but still fun and satisfying!

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Another Quilt Made

The internet is a great source of patterns and inspiration - and this is a quilt that is one of the results of browsing one day.  I'm sorry, but I can't find the original source for this pattern - if you want to claim it, let me know!

It's an easy make - just two types of blocks - but I love how it looks!

One of those 'made from stash' quilts that can be so satisfying.

This was how it looked when it was just a pile of 2 x 10 blocks.
Put together, backed from stash as well.
You can see on this shot that I went for a loose all over meander quilting pattern.
Finally, this is the pattern that I had created on EQ8, so that I could check what size to cut my fabrics to.

I added this so you can see how different it looks in a different colour way!  I think that I might make another one with different colours!

My final quilt was 54" x 42".  A fun lap quilt size.