Not many this year - and a very simple pattern that's all over Pinterest made them a straightforward proposition. It doesn't really explain why it's taken me a fortnight to get them from the initial cutting out to the final stitches!
Never mind, now that they are complete I can add them to the appropriate parcels ready for mailing out!

I finished the parliament of owls too - they all have their brooch backs on now, and, as you can see, some of them have their wings stitched into different arrangements.
I'm pleased that they each seem to have their own character!
Now it's time to find the energy for some proper patchwork and quilting!
These scraps need to make their way out of their temporary home in the box that I use to store Christmas cards when they arrive!
I think that I'll probably put all these 3" squares into 16 patch blocks and then sash them.
Just the sort of mindless occupation that I need at the moment - sometimes you just need uncomplicated sewing projects, don't you? This year I seem to have done nothing but them (although that's better than nothing, I suppose!). I do get frustrated sometimes by not being in the best of health. I'd love to do even more with my daughters and husband, and I'd love to sew more too. Oh well! I shall carry on being grateful for the time and energy that I do have and make the most of it by filling it with as much fun as possible!
Happy sewing, everyone!