It was all going so well! Eleven out of the twelve petal flowers done, I was feeling great about my progress.
Then I got ahead of myself. I thought that I'd spray a little water to wash out the blue marking pen marks that I'd made so that I could iron a freezer paper template onto the back of the piece for the next stage (getting ready to back-baste another applique section).
This was a mistake, as I found out that I hadn't managed to wash all the loose dye out of the fabrics that I was using for the petal flowers..... oh no!
I'm not sure that this photo really show the full amount of colour bleeding that has actually taken place..... and it looks a bit odd as I was taking the photo against the window, so the damp bits look really pale. Oh well. I live and learn (sometimes, other times I just make daft mistakes!).
I've been given a few ideas about how to deal with it (and how to prevent it another time, if I ever dye fabrics again). I've ordered some Synthrapol, and look forward to having a play with it soon.
Back on the horse with the applique, just as soon as I get a little more time - the last week of the school hols is looking like a busy one!