Mostly this week I've been making / finishing / tidying up samples to complete my latest City and Guilds module, but I did find time to make these two Dear Jane blocks (these ones for myself!). It's years since I'd added to my scrappy pile of finished blocks, so this felt very good.
I've also been trying to learn ANOTHER new-to-me applique technique - this one called 'back basting'.
Of course, I didn't know that I was going to try it out, so wouldn't necessarily have cut out the freezer paper for this method!
Can you see that I've machine stitched around the shape?

You might wonder why I've been so interested in different methods of applique. It started with my C&G and a requirement to learn some dimensional applique techniques, but has taken on 'legs' as I've joined with 2375 or so others around the world who are interested in starting a free BOM applique project by Esther Aliu, called Love Entwined. Its causing an internet quilt bloggers storm!
The first part of the pattern (first of 18 months - eek!) was published yesterday. I'm happy to say that it's mostly pieced, and doesn't require us to have our background fabric yet. I have quite a lot of fabric in my stash, but not a spare 7 1/2 yards of background for this!
Ester has put an amazing amount of work into this, and even if I only manage the first five months (which would lead me to complete the central panel) I think that it would be a lovely thing to do.
Of course, I know that I have 1) limited time 2) limited energy and 3) limited patience, so although I'm experimenting with different hand applique techniques, I might just decide to use fusible applique and machine stitching, as a way of joining in without letting my (sewing) life being ruled by it.
Hope that you have fun plans for your crafting time!