Even better if when you open it, it's a whole host of homemade goodies, beautifully made, and all requiring almost instant use!
I was lucky enough to be the recipient of a Benta 'Pay It Forward' gift - so shortly I'll be asking for volunteers who would like to receive something from me at some point in the next six months or so to send me their names...... but first, I'll explain what you can see in my (not very expert) photo. First of all a beautifully made drawstring bag, then a host of scissors labels (much better than my family remembering which scissors are for which type of material), then some block labelling pins (a whole alphabet - wow!), and then some extra labelling pins (for me, DH and both DDs), as well as the fabric and ribbon used to wrap them all.
One might hope that this would stir me into action, but sadly........ ;-( Not much sewing action at the moment, although I am almost up-to-date with my TAST (Take A Stitch Tuesday) sample pages, so perhaps I'll be able to post a photo of that next week.
Despite not doing much sewing, I was still seduced into buying a bit more fabric at the weekend. Well, with a group of fabrics on sale called 'Tantalising Turquioses' (from Doughty's on line store) it would almost seem rude not to sign up for a few metres! It's one colour that I can never have too much of, and I even treated myself to a purple or two to go with it.